70 Years Old !
Over 50 Countries
Five years and counting
70 Years Old!
50 Countries Traveled!
In 4 years time!
and counting…
70 Years Old !
Nearly 50 Countries
Nearly 50 Countries
Four years and counting
70 Years Old!
50 Countries Traveled!
In 4 years time!
and counting…
Hello, and Welcome to Travel Younger!
That is the name of our web site and books, but we’re Norm and Kat, and we’ve been fully nomadic since Feb, 2019, after leaving the US and California at ages 64 and 66. So far we’ve been to over 50 countries in total, and most of them have been in the past five years.
We love our lives on the road, though it is not without its challenges!

We Motivate And Inspire Anyone At Any Age
Many people dream, and wish, and hope to travel more, and many times set up roadblocks–consciously or unconsciously– to keep them from doing it. My goal is to motivate and inspire anyone at any age—but especially those over 50—to leave their/ your comfort zone behind, and enjoy the world—before it is too late.
Our mantra has been,
Thank you for joining us, and maybe we can meet on the road, as we have done many times with many followers already! We enjoy exchanging notes and calls with anyone who needs help or inspiration, so don’t be shy!
Here are some testimonials from a few of our followers:
Ginger Scalone
Paul Rosner
Robin and Mike Draper

About Us
Traveling is empowering– and sometimes challenging!
The process of traveling helps us grow and appreciate the amazing the world and the history that came before us! Under the best of circumstances, the process of traveling is also demanding. Whether you go by car, bus, boat, plane, or any other means, it always involves packing, and itineraries, and hoping (praying!) that everything falls into place.
And when your life is ALWAYS on the road, it is even more challenging…until you figure it out.
As much as we might (foolishly) think that we have ALL the answers, we don’t. We learn. We learn by our own mistakes along with the advice and experiences of others. And every time we get better. And since the world and travel is always changing, our knowledge is always changing as well.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first steps…
and this boarding pass from Los Angeles to Barcelona was our first step into the rest of our lives. Many have asked us, “When are you coming back (to the US)?” and the answer is, “We don’t know if we will.”
That theme is explored in much greater detail in my book, “Nomadic Life for All Ages.”
As born Americans, and raised to think that America was the center of the world, we find that living outside the US is challenging, healthy, and affordable.

Published Articles & Media Outreach
Over the years many of my stories have been published
by web sites and travel magazines worldwide. International Living is one I write for frequently, as well as some others, and most are about travel specifically, but we mix it up with motorcycle touring and other related subjects:
Travel Awaits: this is my newest relationship and covers “The Five Places in Greece You Must Visit” The site started in 2018 and focuses on the 50+ market, which is huge since they get 3.3 million unique monthly visitors
Travel History
It’s been an awesome journey–and not over yet!
So far (2024) Kathleen and I have each been to over 50 countries in total. That number is always changing and we are still competing for the most! We still have a “must visit” list of places we absolutely, positively, want to see.
But our motivation of “checking off the boxes” is not what it was, and we recognize that this is a matter of quality over quantity.

WHY People Travel, and How They Do It & Resources
Over the years we have met fellow travelers of all ages
Some had no home base, and others traveled when and where the wind blew them. I also had dozens of conversations with like-minded travelers I never met in person, but who have been doing the same thing.
In 2019 I started writing a book about “full-time nomads,” and had two dozen interviews recorded…and then COVID happened. Travel stopped. As did the book.
Mission & Vision Statement
Mission Statement:
Not to sound all lofty and pretentious, but our Mission is to help you change your world—if you want that. If you have been wanting to travel more, or even live nomadically, and have been afraid, we’re here to hold your hand. To guide you along. To help you wake up in the morning in a different country, and say, “Man, can you believe we are living this way?”
We do that, and even with everything that comes with “life on the road,” we would not have it any other way.

Vision Statement:
Aligning with our Mission is the Vision to help create a better life for as many as we can, especially us “older” people. I have been asked, “What made you start this journey?” and my answer is, “Fear.” Fear that I would not do it and ten years from now I would wake up with the biggest regret of my life. I regret not doing this sooner, and saying YES to my mother’s invitation to travel with her to Hungary.
I don’t want you to have that fear or regret either, and it just starts one step at a time.