If you are just joining us, yesterday was the first day that made me go WOW. The spontaneous trip to Seville has been spectacular and our first impressions were reinforced today as I got to go through the oldest continuously occupied palace in all of Europe, called Alcazar. The original palace was built in the 1200s and has been continually upgraded and remodeled, not unlike houses that we have in the United States. Only a bit more opulent and historical. Two things blew my mind.

One was standing in the bedroom of the young son of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. As you would expect it was a spectacular room, and to be standing on the same floor as the king and queen who sent Columbus to America made me ponder true history.

Sevilla, Spain– mind…blown

The second mind-blower was looking at the first painting that showed the brand new country that Mr. Columbus discovered. It shows the Virgin Mary with Columbus on one side and King Charles on the other. At the bottom are pictures that represent the ships that he sailed to come over.

My trips to Europe over the last few years have put history in a whole new perspective. California history is a drop in the bucket; East coast history a bit deeper. When you stand inside a castle that’s over 1000 years old or visit catacombs that are two millennium old, it gives a whole new meaning when you look at the time table of recorded history.

Tomorrow it’s back to Valencia, I’ve been gone for a week. No question, Valencia cannot compare to Seville. A big thumbs up and recommendation for you to visit.

#sain, #seville, #sevilla, #alcazar, #madrid,#christophercolumbus, #airbnb

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