Over the past few weeks we have visited several cities and each one has their own energy and vibe. We spent just a short time in Zagreb, Croatia and decided not to stay and instead boarded a bus rather quickly to Budapest, Hungary, where we stayed for three days. Budapest is a pretty large city and it was crowded but not overbearing.

Vienna was our next stop and it is spectacular but felt a bit posed, if that is the right word. The buildings, the architecture- all beautiful- but it seemed a little like a Hollywood movie set which was the same impression we got in Monaco. It was so perfect it was almost sterile. From there onward to Prague, also busy to the point it took away some of enjoyment. We have but ourselves to blame, going during July, but it was unpreventable this time. The city felt very authentic and even though the buildings and palaces were preserved, they retained their sense of realness.

Now we are in Krakow, Poland, which was not part of our original plan! Our intent was to train directly to Warsaw but since it was a six hour trip thought we’d break it up with a stay in between, and that in between is here. Even so the train ride was almost the same length due to many stops, plus our train had a mechanical failure and they had to replace our engine car with another. That was weird as we were sitting still for almost an hour with no AC or access to working water closets. As it turned out we made some friends, one couple from the US, one from Norway, plus a local girl who helped us all find the bus to Krakow since we were too late to catch a train. It’s all part of the flow we must let go of in traveling.

Krakow is the closest town to Auschwitz, so we are planning to go in a few days and so extended our time HERE and cancelled Warsaw- with a stiff penalty. This is a mid-sized town, much smaller than Budapest, Vienna or Prague and it has a genuineness that is intoxicating. Walking down the streets which are clean, but not pristine, busy, but not wall to wall people, and eating at some great spots with the best pricing since Croatia, made us stay a few extra days. Plus a bonus! If you’ve been following my blog you know I love me pastry. There is a local marketplace within a few hundred feet from where we are staying and they have clothing, fresh produce plus several bakeries that are producing products right on the spot. This morning I had what I believe is the BEST cherry turnover in all our travels- and that is several dozen different places. It was about $2.00 and worth every morsel.

Krakow has a bit of an ominous history since it was so close to the horrific events taking place 70 km away, though they were faultless as to what was happening there. We needed a few days to recharge and catch our breath before we carry on, so we will enjoy the town. There are many cool places to shop- even for me!- so Kathleen is having fun while I catch up some writing and other obligations which built up.

Travel Younger is focused on teaching the older demographics how to travel like the young, and that is what we are doing. Even so, with energy waning in the later years, plus aches and pains accruing, I encourage you to NOT wait to travel, but get your Bucket List out and make it happen. Any questions we can help you with, please, just ask!

#krakow, #poland

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