
As much as we watch our budget, every so often we have “guilty pleasures” to splurge on. These are typically western name-brand items that are imported from the US and pricey. For me, I like M&Ms but have not found any in Bali—until a few days ago. And NO WAY can I find a 3 Musketeer or a Milky Way.
Kat found a small bag of peanuts (I usually get the regular) for $4.71 and that was for 50 grams—just under 2 ounces. I checked US Costco prices and a 38oz bag is about $60, which is STILL pretty painful! Meanwhile, Kat’s guilty pleasure is a small bag of Cheetos for $6.60 US. We don’t do either of these very often, but when we do, it’s a treat.
May be an image of food and text

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