
When last we left our intrepid explorer, he was dodging rip tides and naked bodies in the Mexico beach communities of Mazunte and Zipolite. Today we learn more about the two towns PLUS a special bonus feature on the joys of nude beaches…

Day II:

It’s amazing how two beach towns that are only 10 minutes away from each other can be so different. But while the city of Zipolite seems to cater to the laid-back hippie and older demographic, Mazunte is definitely for the kids. In this case kids means anyone under the age of say 30, since that was the most dominant age group that I saw. They seem to live with varying degrees of comfort, ie, some of them look like they don’t have two pennies to rub together, and others look like they’re very comfortable. The feeling I had was very nostalgic, like I was looking at me and my fellow baby boomers from the late 60s before we had any cares in the world and thought we had all the answers. At one time I also thought that walking barefoot in the streets was cool!

The town itself has a very cool vibe, with lots of restaurant choices. The beach is quite beautiful with many restaurants out on the sand, which is a Mexican coast staple. My room was a great improvement from what I had night one since it had a screen! and great Wi-Fi. As much as I can handle doing without, doing with can be good too!

The following morning, I got up at sunrise and walked out to what they call Punta Cometa, the “kite tip.” It was about a 20-minute hike up to the top of the cliff where you could see up one side of the coast and down the other with amazing waves crashing on the rocks. The water, of course, was a deep vibrant blue, and was gorgeous as is most of the waters that I have seen in Mexico. I had a light breakfast, took advantage of the Wi-Fi, and got some work done and returned to Zipolite in a pickup truck with a shell and seats in the back! They call them collectivos and that is how most people get around, especially within the towns. You flag down the driver, jump in the back, as long as there is room, then tap on his window when you want to get off. This particular ride was all of 15 minutes and cost $10 (pesos), which is about 50 cents USD. Again, this is not the most comfortable way to travel, and it’s not for everyone!! If you are concerned about motion sickness, or feel uncomfortable riding in the back of a truck with strangers who look nothing like you, then this is definitely outside your comfort zone…

My third night was supposed to be in Puerto Escondido, but after talking to several people down there and hearing them say the same thing, which is, “it’s just another regular town, but with a beach,” I decided to go back to Zipolite. I did not go back to the same hotel room however but was recommended to a place further down on the beach, and still got my sand view for $20 for the night. The room was an upgrade from what I had the first night, but still, no Ritz Carlton. Or even Holiday Inn!

Since I had to vacate my room by noon and my bus didn’t leave until 10:00 p.m., so I had lots of time to kill, and did what anyone would do: hung out in a hammock, had two meals there, and chilled. In between I also visited the surf, still as knarly as ever. I took the night bus so didn’t need a room that night but got little sleep. At 0800 the next morning I was back in Oaxaca and have wonderful memories and pictures to look back on.

If you do have a chance to visit Oaxaca, I encourage you to take a few extra days and hit the beach and find your inner Bohemian!


The ABCs of Getting Naked in Public (Bonus)

Let’s face it, getting naked in public for the first time can be an experience, and there is a process, and it is NOT for the faint of heart!

When you visit a “clothing optional beach,” oh darn it, let’s call it what it is: it’s a naked beach for crying out loud, ie, no bathing suits. You can use politically correct terms, but it is about as raw and basic as you can get since the only thing you’re wearing is what you were born with.

I was in Zipolite, which is the only naked beach in Mexico, and look how big this country is and how much coastline it has! So I decided to give you a primer, a by the step process if you ever choose to be so bold.

Step number one is all psychological: it’s all in your head. You must be comfortable removing your bathing suit knowing that other eyes may be watching, but truth is, few if any of them are. We all feel self-conscious about our bodies even in clothing, and bearing it to strangers can be even more challenging. But the good news? They ARE strangers, and you will never see them again. For the most part they are NOT judging you, and it’s best to not judge them, either. Most of the people that you see at a nude beach are not exactly Sports Illustrated model candidates nor hunks of the month for the GQ magazine.

Number two, make sure that you have something stable to hold on to because taking off your bathing suit while standing on sand, can be difficult to balance. It’s one thing getting undressed, it’s another falling over with your bathing suit wrapped around your feet. Now THAT will garner some attention!

Number three, now that you are naked in all your glory, what are you going to do? Are you going into the surf? Are you going to lay out on a blanket or lounge? The answer is, it really doesn’t matter, just do what you would do even if you had a bathing suit on. If a beach has businesses, like restaurants and hotels, like we have down here, it’s usually considered respectful to not enter the premises unclosed. Out in the sun, and on a chair, it’s a free-for-all, but if you enter an establishment, probably not a good idea.

Number four is the fun part. Now that you are naked, enjoy it; embrace it! It is not something you do every day unless you happen to live in that space. The feeling of freedom, once we get over our self-consciousness, is quite nice. Going into the water and having the waves splash your entire body, getting into every corner; it’s very primal.

And step number five, now that you have done the deed; own it. Brag about it, your friends will be envious! They may even want to join you next time you visit one. And once you have done it one time, the second time will probably be easier, but not always. As is everything, the more you do something the easier it is to do it.

So welcome to the “In the Buff Club.”

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