
We are back in Sarande, Albania, and even with the drizzles and rain that greeted us, it was nice to be “home.” It’s not official, but for NOW, this is as close as it gets to home, anywhere.

Though the distance between Egypt and here is not great, it took us three days to get back due to the timing of layovers and flights. After our overnight train trip from Aswan to Cairo Wednesday night (3 hours late I might add…), we to “kill the day” in Cairo since our flight left the following morning at 0440. We mostly chilled in our room, which was surprisingly nice, took a nap or two, and headed to the airport just after midnight.

Our Cairo to Athens flight was a quick two hours, but we had to kill time THERE again, and we got to Corfu midafternoon on Friday. Unfortunately, there is only ONE daily ferry from Corfu each day, and stayed in a cute little apartment (more rain…), and returned this morning to finally get to our new flat for the next three months. Which we love, and is easily the BEST place we’ve stayed in four years—at the best price to boot. We are mostly unpacked and stocked on food and such, and now we can relax for a bit until we hit the road again in June.

This is our view from our new apartment in Sarande, so NOW you may understand why we love it here and decided to stay for the next three months. At $500 USD per month.

Now it is time to “catch up” on our travels, and for me to work on a revised web site for Travel Younger, as well as a new version of my Traveling the World for Six Weeks books, which will be condensed into one book, updated, and have more extra content.

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