
We came to Malaysia for two main reasons: we wanted to see and experience a new place we’ve not been, and also because it has a reputation for providing top notch medical services. Fortunately, Kat and I are pretty healthy, but she wanted to get her eyes checked for possible cataracts (all good for another year), and we wanted to get a benchmark of all our major systems.
One of the most common questions we get asked is about insurance, and usually that refers to, “What happens if I have an accident or get sick on the road?” Over the years we’ve had two incidents of needing emergency services, which included a paramedic ride, and each time the price was insanely reasonable. One was $105 euros, the other about $250. Plus we’ve had several physicals, which included blood test and ultrasounds along with almost annual dental exams, with some repair work done.
Our recent full body scans, (from the neck all the way down to the ankle and everything in between!) included a litany of ultrasounds, blood tests, treadmill heart monitoring, plus multiple cancer markers, and the three plus hour visit cost us about $500 USD. How much would that cost in the US, or your home country? Many times that, I would guess.
Medical tourism, a broad based term that includes people coming from outside the area to get some type of medical treatment, is a very big deal. It could include cosmetic, dental, diagnostic or checkup related, etc…, and in many cases you can book a flight, pay for rooms, and get your tests done outside the US, for less than what it would cost just to do the tests within the US. So, why not get a free vacation out of it??
People ask us about travel insurance, and so far we have done without. The premiums increase with age, and as would both hover at seven decades, we decided to pass. That does NOT mean you should, and everyone can decide for themselves.
On a more fun note, I am ridiculously overwhelmed with the FOOD selections here! Within 2 blocks there are enough places to keep us busy for weeks, if not longer! Add the street vendors to that, and yea, I’m a happy camper.
As an update, our scans came back and indicated nothing to worry about, which is what we were looking for. If there was something to be concerned about, how would we handle it? Every situation, every person is different, but that’s the nature of life on the road.

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