
The last three months have been different than the first half, our first three months.

On July 18 we left Croatia where we stayed for the past 60 days, and did a whirlwind trip through eight countries via some train, but primarily, buses. It was fun, eye-opening, and highly adventurous, but very exhausting. About midway through we determined that this pace was not sustainable and we would stick with our six weeks in one place plan.

We got back to Split, Croatia, our former base, on Sept. 4 and I readied myself for a 40 day trip to the US while we got Kathleen settled in her new place during my absence. The unit she booked was not to her suiting and fortunately she was able to find a new location, which she loved. It was IN Split Town, so she was proximate to everything she needed, plus during her time there she discovered new restaurants, beaches and friends. I, meanwhile, spent my time in Portland, Oregon at the beginning, Orange County, California, (my old home) in the middle, and San Antonio, Texas coming up next week.

I will return to Split on Oct 17 and then, guess what? It’s time to move on to the next leg of our adventure.

There are decisions to be made. Our initial “plan” was Greece for 45 days then Turkey, but somehow the topic of Sicily (IT) came up, so we’re looking at that as an option. It can be tough to decide, and as much fun as it is, we must be aware of some realities. We have to keep in mind the ever present visa status, ie, no more than 90 days in the EU at a time, Schengen Zone and all that, so we potentially can stay 90 days between Italy and Greece. There is another consideration, too, and that is the weather, since Old Man Winter is coming.

Before we left the US in February we agreed that we would stay “Mediterranean,” which means warmish winters. Summers can take care of itself, but after living in warmer climes for decades we were cold weather wimps. Combine that with the reality of aging, where our skin and our blood is thinner, and we just don’t handle cold like we used to. For those of you who can endure winters in Canada or Minneapolis, more power to you but it ain’t me, babe.

Per Wikipedia, Mediterranean climates are “known for warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Winter temperatures are usually between 30 and 65 degrees. Summer months all average above 50 degrees. … The cause of this climate is directly related to large bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea and ocean currents.”

Works for me, and we always intended to shoot for that 50 degree target zone, which was very similar from the Southern California we left.

Leaving Europe after the next 90 day’s leg is a given, so our intention is maybe Egypt and Israel after Greece, then probably SE Asia. Everyone speaks highly about Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, so that is on our radar with the understanding that it may be a huge adjustment to humidity, language barriers, and bugs. Still figuring it out.

That’s where we stand right now. My first 51 blogs are now compiled in “Traveling the World Six Weeks at a Time, Volume I“, and you can buy it at Amazon. Volume II begins and I hope you stay with us as we continue to Travel Younger.

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