That line from a Grateful Dead song, “Truckin’”, says a lot and reflects the state of the world and especially travel in 2020. It’s amazing how much can change in just a few months. Hell, look how much has and can change in just a few weeks.
In three months, a virus that was a curiosity has become a worldwide pandemic and killed thousands. It has devastated the travel and tourism industry and the ripple effects continue to ripple. Jobs on hold, schools shuttered and entire countries becoming islands in themselves. As a fan of sci fi movies, I’ve seen this plot before, and it is no prettier on film than it is in real life.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous
I started traveling to show Baby Boomers how to travel like Millennials. Until a few weeks ago most domestic and international flights were still flying, but after being the sole passengers on a flight from Columbus, Ohio to Cancun, Mexico, it’s questionable how many flights will remain and how many airlines will survive. I’ve seen financial devastation in my life and have lived through several Recessions, including the Great one that started in 2008 and seemed to go on for eternity. The US real estate market and financial sector failing dominoed into every household and took years to rebound. THIS crisis, unfortunately is worse since it involves our health, our food, our kids, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Hiding out South of the Border
Right now we are sequestered in Puerto Morelos, a small fishing village about 30 km south of Cancun, and except for empty streets and closed restaurants, it almost looks like a normal life. But there is a feeling of dread as this town, usually reliant on tourists, is feeling it. Hordes of taxi drivers sit idle by the stands and patiently await anyone needing a ride. Some have criticized us for coming here, but this trip was planned months ago, and was not intended to be a long-term stay, but just another stop on our journey. The “stay at home” message was difficult to ignore, but since we had no home, we had no choice. No one knows what travel restrictions will remain and for how long, so for now we behave as locals and stay inside and avoid contact as much as possible. We did ride a bike down to the beach, just a few miles away, and with no one there, it is a more relaxed social distancing experience. Since we can legally stay for six months we secured a 90 days rental in a safe place and will follow the news and the events, but not fixate on them.
As a writer, I have lots of things to catch up on and lots of things to share, but I know that many people are overwhelmed and preoccupied by day to day events so not sure where my, or anyone’s audience, is right now.
I will post regularly and share the events unfolding in Mexico and you are welcome to do the same from your locations. Everything is virtual, online, and collective, so I like the idea of engaging with you amazing Younger Travelers on a more personal level.
You in?
#mexico, #puertomorelos,