
Since we can now only travel virtually on TV, watching movies, in our imaginations or from past experiences, I thought I’d dig into the memory banks and look back at places that we had intentions (or opportunities) to visit, but it didn’t work out. Morocco was the first country that we almost made it to, but ran out of time.

We were in Spain and Portugal and actually took a bus from the west coast of Portugal (Lagos) through Sevilla, Spain, and then to Gibraltar, where we spent the day taking the cable car to the top of the rock. We were just a breath away from Morocco, 36 miles via ferry, and we actually wish we spent more time in Gibraltar itself and added a trip to Africa. This leg was part of our initial six-week trek in Aug-Sept 2018, (before we started Traveling Younger) but it opened our eyes to places to return to. (We did get to Africa earlier this year, visiting Tunisia)

Our train from Vienna, Austria to Warsaw, Poland involved separate rails and this was when we found out our Eurail tickets cannot be reserved in advance and must be done in person. We got to the train station early for a 10:30 train, but even so, it was sold out. Plan B was a detour to Krakow, then switch trains and head to Warsaw from there. Instead of taking the a.m. train this new ride didn’t leave until late afternoon which would put us into Warsaw too late to check in. Plus, we had another unexpected delay as the train stopped to switch engines along the way and we sat there for several hours until we resumed. The passengers were few, but we struck up conversations about Plan C, since we now missed the NEW train from Krakow, too. Instead we all took a bus, got into Krakow late and found a lovely room which we rented for three days. Since Auschwitz is Krakow proximate the visit I wasn’t sure I could make seemed like an obvious alternative.

We cancelled Warsaw which was not a loss to me since I had been there, (but cost us about $300) and instead stayed in Krakow and loved it. The people and the food were amazing, and this was one more example of the Universe creating a better plan than the original.

Slovenia, which is sandwiched between Croatia, Italy and Austria, was just 10 km away while on a motorcycle trip from Zagreb, Croatia to Rijeka on the west coast. The three-hour ride was spectacular and as we traversed the Slovenia/ Croatia border we saw signs that showed how close it was. But the weather was not our friend that day! On the way we got hit by a torrential “the sky is falling” rainstorm and we had to hide out under a carport cover while it passed. Meanwhile we were drenched and chilled even though it was August, and we were concerned about more rain and pending nightfall. We wanted to get to Rijeka before dark since it makes finding our way around a strange town much easier.

Of course the next day the weather cleared, and it was beautiful, so we stayed an extra day in town and then took the highway (rather than the back way) back to Zagreb since we had to return the bike by a certain time. Slovenia still beckons and I will return.

Turkey, twice. Once just in conversation, that almost got serious, but the second time we had actual flight tickets from Krakow, Poland last August. It involved two flights, two countries and two different carriers, and the second leg had us flying through Kharkiv Airport in Kiev onward to Istanbul. Neither of us had done any research about Russia or Kiev, but when Kathleen started reading about US Embassy warnings concerning Russia and the Ukraine, she got leery.

The US will not help you if you get into trouble…”

We’ve seen Embassy warnings before and they are usually quite intimidating and scary, so when we read that “The US will not help you if you get into trouble…” that gave us pause.

Mind you, our spying days are behind us, but it made her feel uncomfortable to the point that we canceled our flight, so we never made it to Turkey. I have heard really good things about it and find that warnings from those that have NEVER been there ring hollow, and the opinions of those who live there or have visited carry more weight.

When we arrived in Singapore on New Year’s Day of 2020 we knew we’d only be there for three days since we had a flight to Thailand after that time. Malaysia was only 21 km to the border but would have involved a bus or possibly a train and when we have tight timetables we usually don’t have much play for play time. We heard great things about Malaysia (again) and much of SE Asia is still appealing but will have to wait till who knows when.

As this pandemic rolls on, life is changing and different for all of us. People, businesses, companies of all sizes are suffering and are trying to adapt and survive until who knows when. One of our favorite companies that we supported in our travels has been AirBNB and I have stayed at 74 over the years. Since AirBNB’s market value has dropped by half they are adapting and offering virtual travel experiences through www.AirBNB.com/Online/Experiences. Instead of experiencing real live activates they are doing them online. If you are bored you can check it out.

Meanwhile we shall hunker down in Puerto Morales Mexico, stay close to home and enjoy what we have while we have it. Stay healthy and safe!

#morocco, #slovenia, #warsaw, #turkey, #malyasia

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