
Can your life completely change in 5 years? I can tell you based on my experience the answer is a big YES!

Five years ago today (July 28, 2016), I left the US on a 3-week trip to Europe, in essence, for the very first time. I landed in Amsterdam and was there for a few days and over the next 19 days visited six countries. I was amazed at how people moved so fluidly from one country to the next, especially the younger generation. Differences in language, currency, and background did not matter at all, and the most noteworthy thing was that people actually do take vacations, which they call holidays. They do not, did not, live to work; they lived to live. That inspired me and made me want to visit more often.

The idea of moving overseas or being a permanent traveling nomad was not even close to being on my radar! But here it is, 5 years later, and I have been on the move ever since.

If you ever wonder if your life can totally turn around in 5 years, I can give you my answer, and in my case it did not even take 3 years, it took much less. You just have to focus on what you want, and execute. And I have found over the course of my life that execution is the most difficult part of anything and everything.

Dream big, don’t let anything stop it from happening.


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